Hi there 👋 I’m Rasso Hilber, a creative web developer. I collaborate with a network of designers to create original yet usable online experiences, with a focus on accessibility. Here are a few examples:
Artothek Munich
(2024) In the heart of Munich, the Artothek offers art for everyone. The Bildersaal shows contemporary positions of the Munich art scene in changing exhibitions. System: WordPress. Design: parat.cc. Visit: artothek-muenchen.de
Herzog & de Meuron
(2023) An austere framework for a generous content machine: The new website for Herzog & de Meuron. System: WordPress. Design: fertig design. Visit: herzogdemeuron.com
Filter Munich
(2024) Progressive Web App for the new online calendar for contemporary art in Munich. Continuously updated from an external database. System: WordPress. Design: parat.cc. Visit: filter-munich.com
Studio Spading
(2024) Portfolio website for the acclaimed graphic designer Jan Spading. System: Kirby. Design: Jan himself. Visit: studiospading.de
Hidden Fortress
(2023) Code for the new website of Hidden Fortress, a practice for interior architecture and furniture design. System: Kirby. Design: Basics09. Visit: hidden-fortress.com
Baghdad Tahrir Art
(2022) Political art in public space. System: WordPress. Design: Basics09. Visit: baghdadtahrirart.net
Flutgraben Berlin
(2021) Website for Flutgraben e.V., a non-profit, self-organized art association and studio by the riverbank in Berlin. System: WordPress. Design: fertig design. Visit: flutgraben.org
The Hercules And Leo Case
(2022) Website for the band "The Hercules and Leo Case". They create sound arrangements on the basis of voice and language. Visit: theherculesandleocase.de
Junge Akademie Berlin
(2020) Concept and code for a transdisciplinary and transcultural online magazine of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin. Design by Basics09. Visit: junge-akademie.adk.de
Ensemble Netzwerk
(2020) The ensemble-netzwerk e.V. is a non-profit association that has been successfully campaigning for the importance and conditions of artists and artistic employees since 2015. Concept, design and code. Collaboration with Basics09. Visit: ensemble-netzwerk.de
Christian Gahl
(2020) Concept, design and code for Christian Gahl, an acclaimed photographer for art and architecture. Visit: christiangahl.com
International Music Institute
(2018) Concept, design and code for the official site of the International Music Institute Darmstadt. With Basics09. Visit: internationales-musikinstitut.de
(2018) Design and code for objektkleina, a "Highway church for drinkers and dreamers". Visit: objektkleina.com
You Say Potato, I Say Fuck You
(2017) Code for a seriously tagged anthropomorphic objects archive, curated by Clara Bahlsen. Design by State. Visit: yousaypotatoisayfuckyou.com
weberbrunner architekten
(2017) Concept and code for Weber Brunner Architects, with offices in Zurich and Berlin. Collaboration with Basics09. Visit: weberbrunner.ch
Schulz und Schulz Architekten
(2015) Concept, design and code for Schulz und Schulz architects. Together with Basics09. Visit: schulz-und-schulz.com
Fiederling Habersang Architekten
(2016) Design and Code for architects ”Fiderling Habersang“ from Zurich. Visit: fiederlinghabersang.ch
Institut für Raumexperimente
(2012) Concept, design and code for the “Institut für Raumexperimente” by Olafur Eliasson. Visit: raumexperimente.net
Reinhard Görner
(2014) Concept, design and code for photographer Reinhard Görner. Visit: reinhardgoerner.de
University of the Arts Berlin
(2014) Concept, design and code for the official website of the University of the Arts (UdK), Berlin. Collaboration with Basics09. Visit: udk-berlin.de